Serenity Now? – Phillip Knight Scott

Hello Hello! I know, I am terribly, horribly late in posting the winner for this contest. My only excuse is the business of life!

Congratulations Phillip, with ‘Serenity Now?’

We are all connected. The woman
in line at the grocery store
too tired to say no to one more question.
The young man scanning the Skittles
his arm a pendulum absentmindedly marking
time. And me at attention
with the world while my phone
shows zero bars and I long to march on.

We all crave serenity. The woman
thinking of a euphoric cacophony of silence
that a mouthful of candy may bring.
The young man clocked out and finding
ecstasy absent the din of beeps, glorying
in his moment. And me raptured
from this world and returned home
where my wifi vigorously absolves me.


Top Three! 10/28

Hello! I am so sorry for being late on closing my contest, but it is indeed now closed. I do, however want to announce the top three submissions among the many amazing pieces I have read.

Winner will be announced October 31st. 

The top three runner ups (in no particular order) are;

  • Gabby Lovell with “Darling Little Daisey”
  • Phillip Knight Scott with “Serenity Now?”
  • Navin with “A Kiss From the Devil”

Thank you again for everyone who participated, and keep an eye out for the winner 🙂

Check out my book, The Four Stages of Poetry, available on amazon!

Writing Contest; The big 800

Hello, hello, hello!

If you’ve just joined, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay. If you’ve been around, trust me, I recognize you with every like or comment, and I’m glad you’ve decided to stick around.

I’m happy to say, I’ve hit the big 800!

Upon hitting this goal, despite my light trickle of posts lately, I’ve decided to go and do it again!  Another writing contest 🙂

Submit your poem, prose, or short story to be featured on this blog, and a copy of my book, The Four Stages of Poetry.

The rules are simple;

In order to be eligible for this contest, I ask that you comment to let me know you have decided to participate (This allows me to check and make sure your submission is not lost in spam, etc).  Everyone is welcome, and encouraged to participate. You will then submit your piece to my contact page.

Your piece can consist of any topic or theme except;

  1. Religious views in any way
  2. Political views in any way
  3. Racist views in any way
  4. Sexist, or hardcore feminist (offensively, or negatively hating on men, etc.) in any way

You may submit up to two pieces. 

Poems and prose may be any length (within moderation of course, I will not accept novel length poems).

Short stories must not exceed 1000 words.

Contest closes October 25th.
Winner will be announced October 31st. (Happy Halloween)

Thank you so much for 800 followers, I love and appreciate all of you. Happy writing!!



A Dream I Think I Once Had – C J Delous

This is the poem from my contest winner, congratulations again! 


You smoked a cigarette beside me
in the passenger seat of my car
in the dark, in the park one night

a lifetime ago.

You said: “We are born,
we do stuff
& then we die.

That’s all…

I wish I could, but
I just can’t make myself care
that much anymore…”

Spectral blue curls billowed out
from between the clumsy teeth inside
of your beautiful mouth,
& attempted to dance with those lengths
of false-coloured hair
you absently caressed.

You had an affinity for dysfunction,
you told me:

“I thrive among the broken things”

& I remember thinking
that it was fucked-up
how much I wished I was more fucked-up
than I already was.

I wanted too much:

I wanted your love.

Nothing else seemed important,
not the the future, not improvement,
not hope
or the vast tracts of free & unfettered time
that lay before us.

I drove you home.

Nothing much had happened
yet somehow it still felt significant.

After you had left me, as
I sat staring into the darkness,
the smell of smoke & your presence

& I was overcome
by sensation so intense,
that all that has followed since
feels like dull disappointment…


Find him here.

And the Winner Is…

The time has come!

I would like to thank everyone who participated in this contest, and a huge congratulations to the winner…

C J Delous!!

With his poem, A Dream I Think I Once Had

Congratulations, your poem was incredible, and I absolutely adored it.


Top Three – Contest Update

I’m sure everyone is dying to hear who the winners of my writing contest are. (Now closed).

I have received over 30 submissions, and they were all so incredible, the decision is not coming easy. Thank you to everyone who submitted, I loved all of your pieces.

The winner will be announced on April 25th.

The top three runner ups (in no particular order) are;

  • C J Delous, with “A Dream I Think I Once Had”
  • MIRE, with “Fresh Air”
  • Paul Sunstone, with “What Made You Say “I Love You”?”

Thank you again for everyone who participated, and keep an eye out for the winner 🙂

Check out my book, The Four Stages of Poetry, available on amazon!


Top 5 – Contest Update

I’m sure everyone is dying to hear who the winners of my writing contest are. (Now closed).

I have received over 30 submissions, and they were all so incredible, the decision is not coming easy. Thank you to everyone who submitted, I loved all of your pieces.

The winner will be announced on April 25th.

The top five runner ups (in no particular order) are;

Thank you again for everyone who participated, and keep an eye out for the winner 🙂

Check out my book, The Four Stages of Poetry, available on amazon!

500 Followers; Writing Contest

Hello, hello, hello!

If you’ve just joined, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay. If you’ve been around, trust me, I recognize you with every like or comment, and I’m glad you’ve decided to stick around.

I’m happy to say, I’ve reached 500 of you (insanity)

Upon reaching such a goal I never saw myself reaching, I’ve decided to hold a writing contest. Submit your poem, prose, or short story to be featured on this blog, an author copy of my book, The Four Stages of Poetry and a chance to co-write with me, if you desire to do so.


In order to be eligible for this contest, you must like this post, and comment to let me know you have decided to participate (This allows me to check and make sure your submission is not lost in spam, etc).  Everyone is welcome, and encouraged to participate. You will then submit your piece to my contact page.

Your piece can consist of any topic or theme except;

  1. Religious views in any way
  2. Political views in any way
  3. Racist views in any way
  4. Sexist, or hardcore feminist (offensively, or negatively hating on men, etc.) in any way

You may submit up to three pieces. 

Poems and prose may be any length (within moderation of course, I will not accept novel length poems).

Short stories must not exceed 1000 words.

Contest closes April 20th.
Winner will be announced April 25th.

Thank you so much for 500 followers, and happy writing!!



Forgotten Treasure ft. Mark Swift

This poem was written collaboratively by me and a friend of mine. First line was his, next was mine, and so on. You can check out his blog at;


Among seas and stars, and across the earth,
Strung by ropes, an essence of worth,
Lies a treasure, beyond any other,
Measured in the love of a mother,
That those around may feel its pulse,
Through thorned crowns, it arose.