Writing Contest; The big 800

Hello, hello, hello!

If you’ve just joined, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay. If you’ve been around, trust me, I recognize you with every like or comment, and I’m glad you’ve decided to stick around.

I’m happy to say, I’ve hit the big 800!

Upon hitting this goal, despite my light trickle of posts lately, I’ve decided to go and do it again!Β  Another writing contest πŸ™‚

Submit your poem, prose, or short story to be featured on this blog, and a copy of my book, The Four Stages of Poetry.

The rules are simple;

In order to be eligible for this contest, I ask that you comment to let me know you have decided to participate (This allows me to check and make sure your submission is not lost in spam, etc).Β  Everyone is welcome, and encouraged to participate.Β You will then submit your piece to my contact page.

Your piece can consist of any topic or themeΒ except;

  1. Religious views in any way
  2. Political views in any way
  3. Racist views in any way
  4. Sexist, or hardcore feminist (offensively, or negatively hating on men, etc.) in any way

You may submit up to two pieces.Β 

Poems and prose may be any length (within moderation of course, I will not accept novel length poems).

Short stories must not exceed 1000 words.

Contest closes October 25th.
Winner will be announced October 31st. (Happy Halloween)

Thank you so much for 800 followers, I love and appreciate all of you. Happy writing!!



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